Olympus 40-150mm f2.8 vs. 50-200mm f2.8-3.5H3dger 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 6086 0 08:46 App Panasonic Leica 50-200mm F 2.8-4.0 ASPH Review with Panasonic G9 2279 0 01:58 App 奥林巴斯大43神镜150mm f2.0扫街 1319 0 00:45 App G9+50200 随拍 2.0万 3 ...
奥林巴斯(OLYMPUS)(OMSYSTEM)75-300mmF4.8-6.7超远摄变焦镜头微单镜头等效150-60 ' 100-400mm图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
为什么Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III优于Panasonic Lumix DC-GX9? 对焦点多72个 ?121vs49 电池更持久70 shots ?330 shotsvs260 shots 最大快门速度快75% ?1/16000 svs1/4000 s 在拍摄影片时可进行连续自动对焦 ? 分辨率(屏幕)更高1120k dots ?2360k dotsvs1240k dots 具有背照式传感器 ? 具有HDR(高...
Olympus OM-D E-M10 IIOlympus E-M1 IIOlympus M.Zuiko Digital 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6 IIOlympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm F4-5.6 ROlympus M.Zuiko ED 75-300mm 1:4.8-6.7 II+4 more ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain OPDNBush•Regular Member• Posts: 390 ...
Olympus OM-D E-M10 II Olympus E-M5 III OM-1 Panasonic Leica 100-400mm F4.0-6.3 ASPH Olympus M.Zuiko 300mm F4 IS Pro Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain OP cr0100 • Senior Member • Posts: 1,016 Re: RX100m7 vs OM-D E-M5iii (with Olympus "kit" lens) ...
E-PL5 vs GX85 Olympus E-M10 II $349.00 (6% more) 16.1 MP Has viewfinder 42% larger E-PL5 vs E-M10 II Olympus PEN-F $999.00 (67% more) 20.3 MP (21% more) Has viewfinder 20% larger E-PL5 vs PEN-F Panasonic GX850 $547.99 (40% more) 16 MP Also lacks viewfinder...
E-PM2 vs PEN-F Panasonic GX850 $547.99 (192% less) 16 MP Also lacks viewfinder Similar size E-PM2 vs GX850 Olympus E-PL8 $599.00 (167% less) 16.1 MP Also lacks viewfinder 22% larger E-PM2 vs E-PL8 Olympus E-M5 II $899.00 (78% less) 16.1 MP Has viewfinder 49% la...
Olympus calls this Sync-IS and right now it only works with two lenses: the Olympus 300mm telephoto and the new 12-100mm zoom mentioned a moment ago, which claim a total of 6 and 6.5 stops respectively. Panasonic offers something similar with its Dual-IS system, but sadly the EM1 Mark...
根據消息, Sony將會推出的無反光鏡APS-C相機不會有防手震, 內置閃光燈及電子view finder, 而Sony的配套pancake鏡 16mm f2.8更會比Olympus 的17mm f2.8 及Panasonic 的 20mm f1.7大 不過這些都是小道消息, 待官方公佈才知龍與蟲 消息亦指Sony將會在5月11日公佈有關相機 ...
For the Panasonic arena, they also offer a compact and relatively affordable telephoto zoom lens that provides a 600mm-eq. reach. ThePanasonic 100-300mm ƒ/4-5.6 ASPH MEGA OIS LUMIX G VARIOcompetes closely with the Olympus 75-300mm in terms of quality, compactness and a similar range of...