questioned the ruling, wondering how valieva's case differed from her own. valieva was temporarily suspended from the beijing games when her positive test from months prior came to light during the competition, after she helped the russian olympic committee win gold in the figure skating team ...
[Yahoo!]03 Nov 09 Colbert Steps Up For Speed Skating By slanch 1 Comment Categories: Awesome, Olympics, Other Sports, Random and Television Tags: Robert Crowley, Speed Skating, Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report, Vancouver Olympics If you missed last night’s Colbert Report, you missed ou...
I’m sure Joannie Rochette and her family would love to save the newspapers that carried the story of her courageous and impressive bronze medal in figure skating. Fortunately the Journal de Montréal learned to spell her name properly today. They screwed it up on Wednesday’s front page after...
Offer Alternate Broadcasts:In 2014, NBCSN showed figure skating competitions live with a different broadcast crew than was used in primetime. The two broadcasts were fundamentally different and focused on different aspects of the competition, and it worked brilliantly. Using that type of coverage ag...