Trail信息: 大多人都会直奔Hurricane Ridge,但沿着北边101公路行进,其实还能路过其他几处冷门而惊艳的trail,比如Rain Shadow和Blue Mountain. 这两条trail的起点都在深山deer park附近,进山之路每年从十月到六月保持关闭,去之前可以致电Olympic Visitor Center确认...
在另一处的trail上,同行的Cynthia则有完全不一样的感觉,这条trail非常开阔,布满了参天的大树,低处则被蕨类所占领,阳光透过树木的枝杆穿梭而下,让人感觉明亮且欢快。 Hoh雨林 我们的住所是一家靠海的小旅馆,仅仅只有两层高,却能够看见附近港口夜间忙碌的灯光,远处的那头,是Gary去过的加拿大的维多利亚地区,他给我...
Olympic National Park trail ID:1052889080 收藏 加入清单 下载 版权Kelsey Neukum TIFF大小 14.3MB 格式JPG 编辑图片 以图搜图 大图:2738×1825像素·23.18cm ×15.45cm·300dpi·JPG 中图:1000×667像素·35.28cm ×23.53cm·72dpi·JPG 小图:500×333像素·17.64cm ×11.75cm·72dpi·JPG...
下面好像还有一个lake也有lodge,里面可以fishing。但是对于3天来说这个行程也不错了,玩的也挺多的了,毕竟国家公园并没有让我们一次必须玩转,要玩转也许一周都不够吧,因为那么多hiking、biking trail,那么多view point,那么多各种,所以下次还要继续去探索,这并不是到此一游。 泥泞低谷也罢 最近更新:06-2014:48 简...
An updated guide to the best short-under 5-mile-hikes in Washington's Olympic National Park-perfect for families or people who don't have a lot of time but still want to enjoy this spectacular park. Nearly thirty routes are described in detail with highlights of the hike, ...
Olympic National Park, ecologically diverse area occupying much of the Olympic Peninsula in northwestern Washington, U.S. Originally established as a national monument in 1909 and redesignated a national park in 1938, it preserves the Olympic Mountains a
The park reports that there have been instances of aggressive bears, but only property was damaged, no people were injured. If you do encounter a bear on the trail, the park says to give it a wide berth and if it comes into your camp, make noise to scare it away. Never get between...
You can buy a $30 7-day pass at a park entrance station, or use your America the Beautiful or other interagency annual pass to get into the national park. Exploring the tide pools on Rialto Beach. (Photo: NPS Public Domain) Respect the tides. ...
5. 魔法谷步道(Enchanted Valley Trail) 你一出奎奈尔特湖就可以进行一些短距离徒步,也可以尝试一下路途稍长的魔法谷步道,这是一段13英里长,坡度适中的坡道,步道的最后可以爬到一个长满野花和赤杨树的大型牧场,仿若世外桃源。 提示:地址:3002 Mount Angeles Road, Port Angeles, WA 98362 国家公园 世界自然...