cdeanatx / Olympic_Medal_Predictions Public Notifications Fork 3 Star 2 This purpose of this repository is to analyze historical Olympic Games results held since 1964 and create a web-deployable machine learning model to allow for interactivity in predicting whether YOU could medal in an Olympic...
Olympic-Medal-Count-Prediction Overview This project uses Linear Regression to predict the medal count for various countries in the Olympic Games. This repository contains all the codes and resources necessary to build and utilize the predictor. Steps Data Collection: Obtain historical Olympic medal cou...
scriptrioolympicmedal UpdatedSep 3, 2017 Python Software for Managing Olympic Weightlifting Competitions competitionweightliftingolympiclift-manager UpdatedJun 25, 2019 Моивариантырешенияолимпиадныхзадачспорталаолимпиадногопрограм...
Moving on to regression analysis, we built models to quantify how well these socioeconomic factors predict medal counts, revealing that neither population nor GDP per capita alone is a strong predictor. We performed clustering and PCA analysis to gain deeper insights, allowing us to group countries...
El lliurable principal de la pràctica és un vídeo que implementa un storytelling que reflexiona sobre la relació entre el nivell esportiu d'un país, mesurat per les medalles olímpiques aconseguides en els jocs d'estiu del 1960 al 2020, i el seus PIB i PIB per càpita. El vídeo...
This purpose of this repository is to analyze historical Olympic Games results held since 1964 and create a web-deployable machine learning model to allow for interactivity in predicting whether YOU could medal in an Olympic event! - Resolving dependency
Number of medal a country won by male/female in an Olympic game Usage Scenarios & Tasks After watching the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Lily is so intrigued that she would like to know more about how each nation is performing in the Olympics. She wants to know how many medals her nation has won...
/olympic-medals-tracker ├── /public ├── /src │ ├── /components │ │ ├── AddMedal.jsx │ │ ├── MedalList.jsx │ │ ├── MedalFormInput.jsx │ │ ├── SortButton.jsx │ │ └── /ui │ │ └── Button.jsx │ ├── /styles │ ├── App.jsx │ └...
However, we will focus on athletes who won an Olympic medal (39,783 records). The data set is public and can be found in tidytuesday. Follow this link to access to the source dataset olympics.csv. Installation To install OlymPulse locally, you can do as follows: Clone this repository to...
Repository files navigation README Olympic Medals, GDP, and Population Synopsis This is an R script I wrote to visualize the relationship between per capita GDP and medal count by country Motivation The Rio Olympics sparked my interest in this topic.About...