VousconnaissezlaDDHC,maisconnaissez-vouslaDéclarationdesdroitsdelafemmeetdelacitoyenne? 你们知道《人权和公民权宣言》,但你们知道《女权与女公民权宣言》吗? 1791:uneconstitutionestadoptée,etlejourdesonentréeenvig...
See Olympe de Gouges's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Olympe de Gouges's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professi
Olympe de Gouges(born May 7, 1748,Montauban, France—died November 3, 1793, Paris) was a French social reformer and writer who challengedconventionalviews on a number of matters, especially the role of women as citizens. Many consider her among the world’s firstfeminists. ...
1791年9月,她愤而写下“女性生来就是且始终是自由的,在权利方面与男性平等”(la femme naît libre et demeure égale à l’homme en droits )。这则《女人和女性公民权利宣言》成了她最著名的作品。 除了为女性争取与男性同等的公民权和政治权利,Olympe还认为女性应当获得婚姻自由,主张废除婚姻制度,允许离婚...
1791年9月,她愤而写下“女性生来就是且始终是自由的,在权利方面与男性平等(la femme naît libre et demeure égale à l’homme en droits )”。这则《女人和女性公民权利宣言》成了她最著名的作品。 除了为女性争取与男性同等的公民权和政治权利,Olympe还认为,女性应当获得婚姻自由,主张废除婚姻制度、允许离...
Olympe de Gouges. She was one of the younger daughters of the couple Anne-Olympe and Pierre Gouze from a lower middle class background - her mother was the laundress Anne-Olympe Mouisset, who had been married to the butcher Pierre Gouze since 1756. Marie
She was soon widowed, refused to take her husband’s last name and never wanted to marry again; moving to Paris, she changed her name to Olympe de Gouges (combining her mother’s name and her legal father’s last name slightly modified). In the capital at first she mixed in the ...
著名的《妇女和公民权利宣言》由奥林普·德·古热 (Olympe de Gouges) 撰写和分发,就诞生于同一天。它涵盖了《人权宣言》的所有条款,必要时添加了“妇女”或“公民”,或者稍微偏离了原文。因此,在她写给玛丽·安托瓦内特的序言中,她定下了基调:“(……)考虑到对妇女权利的无知、遗忘或蔑视是公共不幸和政府腐败...
number of university theses devoted to her, by the many translations into foreign languages and the longstanding worldwide impact of her writings, or by the dramatic and symbolic force of her execution, one must conclude that the most celebrated of all Quercy's children is Olympe de Gouges. ...