主要内容 OLTP 系统简介 设计技巧及最佳实践 性能优化 客户案例 Agenda Overview What are the characteristics of OLTP? What are the goals of OLTP? Design, Techniques and Best practices Transactions Concurrency Database design Normalization, Denormalization, Index maintenance issues Identifying Performance issues...
In SQL Server, batch-mode processing is optimized for Columnstore indexes to take full advantage of their structure and in-memory capabilities. Page 7 In-memory Columnstore customer success story Part of the mission of Clalit Health Services, which provides healt...
You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written....
The hardware characteristics of the test server are provided in Table 1. Two of the three hard drives were combined as a striping RAID array in order to boost performance and to separate the filesystem calls of the DBMS from the operating system. The operating system itself was installed on ...
Based on your workload characteristics and the way your application handles session state you should decide: If retry logic is needed or not:aspstate_sql2016 (no retry logic)if not. These scripts are required as the earlier versions of the ASP.NET Session State provider do not include r...