Let's now build a docker-compose configuration file, to define the network of the Streamlit application and the Ollama container, so that they can interact with each other. We will also be defining the various port configurations, as shown in the picture above. For Ollama, we will also be...
ollama/ollama:指定要使用的 Docker 镜像,这里是 ollama 镜像。 宿主机上的数据卷 volume 通常在/var/lib/docker/volumes/,可以采用如下命令进行查看: [root@instance-20240702-1632 ~]# docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME local dockers_postgres-data local ollama local open-webui [root@instance-20240702...
Dockerfile 构建适合项目的运行环境,最简单的 Dockerfile 看起来是这样的:这是Ruter大佬的文章中的解释 FROM elicocorp/odoo:12.0 MAINTAINER Elico Corp <webmaster@elico-corp.com> 1. 2. 最后我们可以启动容器啦!!! docker-compose up -d odoo12 1. 查看是否启动成功,如下图则表示已经成功启动啦,输入ip地址...
docker-compose file: ollama: build: context: . dockerfile: ./Dockerfile.ollama image: ollama container_name: ollama env_file: env entrypoint: /tmp/run_ollama.sh ports: - 11434:11434 volumes: - .:/app/ - ./ollama/ollama:/root/.ollama pull_policy: always tty: true restart: always...
GPU support in Docker Desktop(可选,如果本地有GPU,则需要安装):https://docs.docker.com/desktop/gpu/ GPU加速大模型效果,如下:二 安装步骤 2.1 配置Docker Compose 以下是一个docker-compose.yml示例:version:'3.8'services:ollama:image:ollama/ollama:latestports:-11434:11434volumes:-D:\software...
GPU support in Docker Desktop(可选,如果本地有GPU,则需要安装):https://docs.docker.com/desktop/gpu/ GPU加速大模型效果,如下: 二 安装步骤 2.1 配置Docker Compose 以下是一个docker-compose.yml示例: version:'3.8' services...
Docker部署 ollama给了很多前端界面的测试demo,我这边选择的部署的是Open WebUI,部署方式docker 1、docker与OrbStack OrbStack:与 Docker Desktop 相比,它在性能、资源效率、与 Docker CLI 和 Docker Compose 的集成、自动域名、文件系统集成以及 VPN 和 SSH 支持等方面,似乎都有更好的表现,特别是对于使用 Apple ...
docker-compose.yaml run.bash Relatively simple docker-compose configuration to hide Ollama and Open-WebUI behind self-signed reversed proxy. After cloning, run the following in a bash terminal from the root of the repository: ./nginx/create_certs.bash ./run.bash ...
Hello i installed docker on opensuse and then i tried running ollama via docker compose. However i get a strange error. Any help please ? my yaml file Here is my yml file version: '3.6' services: ollama: volumes: - ollama:/root/.ollama # Uncomment below to expose Ollama API outsid...
env_file: - ./anythingllm/.env cap_add: - SYS_ADMIN volumes: - ./anythingllm/.env:/app/server/.env - ./anythingllm/storage:/app/server/storage ports: - 3001:3001 运行docker-compose up -d启动两个容器 下载与运行大模型 进入ollama容器内docker exec -it ollama /bin/bash ...