I am using Ollama , it use CPU only and not use GPU, although I installed cuda v 12.5 and cudnn v 9.2.0 and I can check that python using gpu in liabrary like pytourch (result of command (>>> print(torch.backends.cudnn.is_available()) True, ), I have Nvidia 1050 ti and I ...
time=2024-06-03T06:07:00.414Z level=DEBUG source=gpu.go:132 msg="Detecting GPUs" time=2024-06-03T06:07:00.415Z level=DEBUG source=gpu.go:274 msg="Searching for GPU library" name=libcuda.so* time=2024-06-03T06:07:00.415Z level=DEBUG source=gpu.go:293 msg="gpu library search" globs...
先点Configure至没红色报错,如果你需要用GPU,请选上LLAMA_CUDA,但这需要你电脑上安装CUDA Toolkit 12...
Ao provisionar uma instância de computação no OCI, use uma imagem padrão do SO ou uma Imagem ativada por GPU. Se você usar a imagem do sistema operacional padrão, será necessário instalar o driver vGPU NVIDIA. Expanda a seção de volume de inicialização para aumentar ...
["\n", "user:"], "numa": false, "num_ctx": 1024, "num_batch": 2, "num_gqa": 1, "num_gpu": 1, "main_gpu": 0, "low_vram": false, "f16_kv": true, "vocab_only": false, "use_mmap": true, "use_mlock": false, "rope_frequency_base": 1.1, "rope_frequency_scale":...
"mirostat_eta": 0.6, "penalize_newline": true, "stop": ["\n", "user:"], "numa": false, "num_ctx": 1024, "num_batch": 2, "num_gpu": 1, "main_gpu": 0, "low_vram": false, "f16_kv": true, "vocab_only": false, "use_mmap": true, "use_mlock": false, "num_threa...
GPU: While you may run AI on CPU, it will not be a pretty experience. If you have TPU/NPU, it would be even better. curl: You need to download a script file from the internet in the Linux terminal Optionally, you should have Docker installed on your systemif you want to use Open...
Run ollama with docker-compose and using gpu I'm assuming that you have the GPU configured and that you can successfully execute nvidia-smi. If do then you can adapt your docker-compose.yml as follows: version: "3.9" services: ... datawookie 6,324 answered Apr 26 at 6:01 2 vot...
| | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |===| | 0 N/A N/A 4271 G /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg 397MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 4912 G /usr/bin/gnome-shell 45MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 11323 G ...,262144 --variations-seed-version=1 166MiB | | 0 N/A N/A ...
Initialization (__init__): The class takes an optionaldeviceparameter, which specifies the device to be used for the model (eithercudaif a GPU is available, orcpu). It loads the Bark model and the corresponding processor from thesuno/bark-smallpre-trained model. You can also use the...