live versions are listed separately. The links to the song names are to the first album the song came from. The date of release is in brackets afterwards. In some cases, like the 1971 B side The Biggest Clown, the album is much later - the first album to feature that song was the b...
奥莉维亚·纽顿-约翰(1948年9月26日-2022年8月8日),生于英国剑桥,演员、制片、作曲。在六七十年代多次被格莱美奖提名并四次获奖,1973年凭借《Let Me Be There》首度获得艾美奖最佳乡村女歌手奖,1978年凭借《油脂》被提名金球奖音乐剧类最佳女主角。凭借着音乐和电影两方面的成就在1979和2006年分别被授予大...