1. Olivia Jade Giannulli通过奢华的生活方式和时尚的打扮在社交媒体上积累了一大批粉丝,她在Youtube和Instagram上发布各种生活类视频,不仅受到粉丝的关注,也吸引了一些大公司的注意,通过广告和代言等方式获得了不少收入。 2. Olivia Jade Giannulli被曝光参与录取丑闻的原因是她的父母向南加州大学支付了巨额贿赂,让...
她叫Olivia Giannulli,今年19岁。 (图源:Instagram) 是凭借美剧《欢乐满屋》(Full House)走红的女演员 Lori Loughlin和设计师Mossimo Giannulli的女儿。 现在她的主要身份是一名网红,在YouTube和Instagram上分别有着192万多和一百多万的粉丝。 Olivia Jade是她做网红时的艺名。 (图源:Yahoo) (图源:YouTube) 她的...
网友们说Olivia Jade洗白不无道理。 在入学丑闻曝光时,Olivia Jade就是一个小有名气的美妆博主,在YouTube和Ins上分别有190万和130万粉丝,接到过丝芙兰、Marc Jacobs Beauty和雅诗兰黛的广告。 图源:Olivia Jade视频截图 在频道里,Olivia Jade多次表达过她其实一点也不在乎学校,上学也只是为了体验游戏日和聚会: "But...
在美国当个网红,美国名校可以随便进? 早些时候,纽约时报对涉嫌欺诈入学南加州大学的学生Olivia Jade Giannulli以及她的父母进行了深入报道,Olivia是一个拥有两百万粉丝的YouTube时尚博主。你可能会好奇她是否需要读大学,事实上对于她来说,在收到offer后,也有着同样的纠结。 她在视频中这样提及她即将到来的大学生活:...
Olivia Jade Giannulli and her ex-boyfriend Jackson Guthy sparked reconciliation rumors with a PDA-filled Instagram post. Related: On-Again, Off-Again Celebrity Couples The 23-year-old crooner kissed the influencer, 19, on the cheek in a mirror selfie shared on Friday, August 2....
Topics Olivia Jade Giannulli
Olivia Jade Giannulli celebrated the new year with a wish for better days ahead after her mom Lori Loughlin’s release from prison. Related: Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli’s Family Album The YouTube star, 21, posted an Instagram video of herself dancing and holding a drink while...
Watch: Lori Loughlin's Daughters Break Their Instagram Silence Have mercy: There may be peace at last in Lori Loughlin's home. After months of complete radio silence on social media, the actress' daughters Isabella Rose Giannulli, 20, and Olivia Jade Giannulli, 19,...
Related:Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli’s Family Album With Bella, Olivia Jade “Jackson broke up with Olivia because it was all getting to be too much for him,” a source revealed of the May 2019 split. “It wasn’t necessarily affecting his career, but the fact that ...
Olivia Jade Giannulli’s boyfriend Jackson Guthy was reportedly arrested for a DUI in early September—get the details here.