TheLotto 649game is administered by the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation, an alliance of the five regional/provincial lottery corporations that cover all of Canada. Each of these corporations operate two regional add-on games that, for an extra $1 each, can be added to a 6/49 ticket. One...
Play Lotto Max by Quick Pick or Selection Slip. Ask for a Quick Pick or select seven numbers from a field of 1 to 49. Play Multiple Draws. Tell the Retailer how many draws you want or mark the number of draws on the Selection Slip. Common...
Winning Numbers for The latest winning numbers for , where just published online, Canada Lottery. , the nationwide lottery game's Main Draw prizes and Max Millions prizes where just uploaded to our website, with 1st prize , second prize was $.MAXMILLIONS: . ...
Previous national games, such as the Olympic Lottery, Loto Canada and Superloto used pre-printed numbers on tickets. Lotto 649 led to the gradual phase-out of that type of lottery game in Canada.Winning numbers are drawn by the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation every Wednesday and Saturday, ...
PlayLotto Maxby Quick Pick or Selection Slip. Ask for a Quick Pick or select seven numbers from a field of 1 to 49. Play Multiple Draws. Tell the Retailer how many draws you want or mark the number of draws on the Selection Slip. ...
LOTTO MAX Everything you need to know about Canada Lotto Past Results at | winning number, results, Featuring winning numbers, upcoming jackpots, game demos, winners and beneficiaries. Games available from Western Canada Lottery Corporat
Previous national games, such as the Olympic Lottery, Loto Canada and Superloto used pre-printed numbers on tickets. Lotto 649 led to the gradual phase-out of that type of lottery game in Canada.Winning numbers are drawn by the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation every Wednesday and Saturday, ...
The latest winning numbers for Western Lotto Max, 2025-03-04 where just published online, Canada Lottery. Western Lotto Max, the nationwide lottery game's Main Draw prizes and Max Millions prizes where just uploaded to our website, with a winner for the 1st prize of ($100000), second priz...
Winning numbers are drawn by the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation every Wednesday and Saturday, executed with a Smartplay Halogen II ball machine. The largest single jackpot record in Canadian lottery history was drawn on October 17, 2015 for a jackpot of $64 million. The jackpot was won by...
Previous national games, such as the Olympic Lottery, Loto Canada and Superloto used pre-printed numbers on tickets. Lotto 649 led to the gradual phase-out of that type of lottery game in Canada.Winning numbers are drawn by the Interprovincial Lottery Corporation every Wednesday and Saturday, ...