olfatorio, ria adj. 参见olfativo.欧路软 件版 权所有 近反义词 义词 olfativo 联想词 olfato嗅觉;sensorial感觉;auditivo有 力 ;bulbo鳞茎;epitelio上皮;nervio神经;lóbulo物件上)圆形突,耳垂;cerebro大脑;neurológico神经;óptico光学;cerebral脑; 用户正在搜索 ...
olfatorio olfatorio 音标:[olfa'toɾjo]发音 全球 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 历史记录 生词本
Síndrome de referencia olfatorioTrastorno de ideas delirantesAlucinación olfativaOlfactory reference syndromeDelusional disorderOlfactory hallucinationOlfactory reference syndrome was first described by the neurologist Pryse-Philips in 1971 to define a group of patients who were convinced that they emitted ...
The olfactory system.###[Olfactory ensheathing cell tumour: case report and literature review].###Tumor de las células envolventes del olfatorio: caso clínico y revisión de la literatura.. ###Olfactory colloid cyst: case report and review of extraventricular colloid cyst literature.###Oral m...
The psychiatric clinical interview, including the use of other evaluation and diagnostic techniques, suggested a differential diagnosis between a compulsive obsessive picture and mono-symptomatic psychosis.doi:10.1016/S0034-7450(13)70009-XRabadánJosé AntonioElsevier EspañaRevista Colombiana De Psiquiatría...
Meningiomas del surco olfatorio: tratamiento quirúrgicomeningiomaolfactory grooveobjective: to present our experience in the management of olfactory groove meningiomas analysing their clinical presentation, radiological features, surgical outcomes and postoperative complications. methods: a retrospective study was ...
Meningioma del surco olfatorio Olfactory groove meningiomadoi:10.37076/acorl.v37i2.315Elena LegazaInmaculada C CerveraJose I Miranda
Desarrollo de un test de screening olfatorio a partir del test de Connecticut (CCCRC). Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2005;56(3):116-21. doi:10.1016/S0001-6519(05)78585-XToledano A, Gonzalez E, Rodriguez G, Galindo AN. Desarrollo de un test de scree-ning olfatorio a partir del test ...
Tumor de las células envolventes del olfatorio: caso clínico y revisión de la literaturaFemale Urogenital DiseasesOlfactory ensheathing cells are glial cells located in the olfactory bulb and nerve. Microscopically, both olfactory ensheathing cells and Schwann cells have similar morphological and ...
In the scale, contained in Law 35/2015 for the modification of the system for the assessment of damages caused to people involved in traffic accidents, the classification and sequels assessment due to these traumas presents slight differences in relation to the preceding scale as well as the ...