The fossa is found in both humid and dry forests and is an agile climber. A generally solitary animal, it preys on lemurs, wild pigs, and other mammals as well as fish and birds; it hunts by ambush. During mating season several males compete for a female, who rests high in a tree;...
(redirected fromOlecranon fossa) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia fos·sa1 (fŏs′ə)·sae(fŏs′ē′)Anatomy A small cavity or depression, as in a bone. [Latin,ditch, from feminine past participle offodere,to dig.] ...
Context: Olecranon fossa in humerus may be perforated. The perforated olecranon fossa, in general is reported associated to the left humerus and humerus of the female sex. Aims: In the present study, it is aimed t...
14.Diseases of Individual Bursæ.—The olecranon bursa is frequently the seat of pyogenic infection and of traumatic or trade bursitis, the latter being known as “miner's” or “student's elbow.” 15.In the dog, the olecranon fossa communicates with the coronoid by an opening. ...
Define olecranon tuberosity. olecranon tuberosity synonyms, olecranon tuberosity pronunciation, olecranon tuberosity translation, English dictionary definition of olecranon tuberosity. n. pl. tu·ber·os·i·ties 1. The quality or condition of being tube
The olecranon process is a bony projection of the ulna bone that can be felt at the elbow. It encloses the elbow joint and serves...
A caudal portal with the cannula positioned in theolecranonfossa is the standard egress portal site for the elbow joint, but if the caudal portals are being used for a procedure, any of the unused portal sites can be used for an egress cannula. ...
jäljet ovat uhrin oikeassa olkalisäkkeessa, oikealla isommassa nystyssä ja kyynärlisäkkeessä. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 It seems to... extend all the way down to the olecranon fossa of the ulna. Se näyttää kulkevan kyynärlisäkekuoppaan asti. OpenSubtitles2018.v3...
英文 芬兰文 olecranon processnoun process of the ulna that forms the outer bump of the elbow and fits into the fossa of the humerus when the arm is extended +添加翻译 英文-芬兰文字典 kyynärlisäke noun So the weapon hit theolecranon processes, fracturing the elbows. ...
The olecranon process is a bony projection of the ulna bone that can be felt at the elbow. It encloses the elbow joint and serves...