1.取消选中Excel中的DDE选项: 请转到“文件”-“选项”-“高级”-清除“忽略使用动态数据交换(DDE)的其他应用程序”复选框,然后单击“确定”。 2.请问你是否有安装Adobe Acrobat PDFMaker插件?此插件有可能与某些版本的Microsoft Excel冲突。 你可以卸载这个插件并重新尝试。 3.IE进程也有可能正在干扰DDE 打开任务...
“microsoft excel is waiting for another application to complete an ole action”这一错误信息表明,Excel 正在等待另一个应用程序完成一个 OLE(对象链接与嵌入)操作。OLE 允许应用程序之间共享和嵌入数据,但当被调用的应用程序未能及时响应或遇到问题时,就可能导致 Excel 陷入等待状态。 2. 常见原因 应用程序冲突:...
If you've ever encountered the "OLE actionExcel" error message in Microsoft Excel, you know how frustrating it can be. This error message appears when Excel waits for another application to complete an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) action. Fortunately, there are ways to troubleshoot and ...
Like any other software, Excel is not immune to corruption or occasional hiccups. One frustrating message users encounter is- “Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an ole action.” It appears when trying to open the Excel workbook but the response does not arrive within...
Hi! Good Morning!Yesterday our QA staff told me that her excel has an error when she open a files from our Network File Server. That file has a size of...
Hi there, Whenever I copy paste special in excel, my excel file freezes and after a waiting for a few seconds to few minutes, depending on the amount of...
I am facing "Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action" in MS office 365 for the last few days. Most of my work getting delayed because of this. I have tried a solution found on web, "Options--> Advanced-->Gereral-->"Ignore other application...
Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE actionSPALANIAPPANTN47S Enthusiast12-22-2020 05:29 AM Hi All, I am using macro for Vault checkin (inventor drawings). When macro took long time to complete the following error is observed which is shown in th...
microsoft excel is waiting for another application to complete an ole action I guess the reason for this is the time the function needs to run completly. I read through some GIT issues and found out that app.display_alerts = False should help to solve the problem. So I tried to add this...
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Specifies the verb that the server of the OLE object should act on.C# 複製 public enum XlOLEVerbInheritance Enum XlOLEVerb Fields展開資料表 NameValueDescription xlVerbPrimary 1 Perform the primary action for...