根据第一则广告中的“The Oldies but Goodies jazz band will perform romantic music for Valentine’s Day. The band’s repertoire (常备节目) includes jazz music of the 1950s~1960s, domestic (国内的) and overseas folk songs and pop songs.(老歌爵士乐队将在情人节演奏浪漫音乐。该乐队的保留曲目...
Greatest Hits Golden Oldies - Classic Oldies Playlist Oldies But Goodies Legenda 1329 -- 1:19:15 App Bossa Nova Relaxing 2021 - Best Bossa Nova Includes Popular Songs - Music for Ca 199 -- 3:53:44 App 2023 Songs that makes you feel positive when you listen to it ~ mor 328 -- 1:09...
TheOldiesbutgoodiesjazzbandwillperformromanticmusicforValentines'Day.Thebandsrepertoire(常备节目)includesjazzmusicofthel950s-60s,domesticandoverseasfolksongsandpopsongs.Programsofthelatestconcertincludemoonriver,AutumnWhisper,ButterflyLovers,Lovestory,RosyLife,MyheartWillGoOnandAnightatMoscow'sSuburb. 7:30pm,Feb...
The Oldies but Goodies jazz band will perform romantic music for Valentine's Day. The band's repertoire (常备节目) includes jazz music of the 1950-60s, domestic and overseas folk songs and pop songs. Pro-grams of the latest concert include Moon River, Autumn Whisper, Butterfly Lovers, Love...
1 The Oldies but Goodies jazz band will perform romantic music for Valentines' Day. The band's repertoire(常备节目) includes jazz music of the 1950-60s, domestic and overseas folk songs and pop songs. Programs of the latest concert include Moon River, Autumn Whisper, Butterfly Lovers, Love ...
1 The Oldies but Goodies jazz band will perform romantic music for Valentines' Day. The band's repertoire(常备节目) includes jazz music of the 1950-60s, domestic and overseas folk songs and pop songs. Programs of the latest concert include Moon River, Autumn Whisper, Butterfly Lovers, Love ...
OLDIES BUT GOODIES ~ Classic Love Songs 50's 60's 70's Bring Back Those Good Old 本站是提供个人知识管理的网络存储空间,所有内容均由用户发布,不代表本站观点。请注意甄别内容中的联系方式、诱导购买等信息,谨防诈骗。如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击一键举报。
BThe Oldies but Goodies jazz band will perform romantic music5. Jack is fond of pop music and he wouldfor Valentines' Day. The band's repertoire(节目)includes jazzmusic of the 1950-60s, domestic and overseas folk songs and popmost probably choose to go tosongs. Programs of the latest ...
体裁:应用文词数:271主题:演出广告难度:★★★The Oldies but Goodies jazz band will perform romantic music for Valentine's Day.The band's repertoire(节目) includes jazz music of the 1950s—1960s, domestic andoverseas folk songs and pop songs. Programs of the latest concert include Moon River,...
在线看Greatest Hits Golden Oldies 50's 60's 70's.. 1小时 31分钟 43秒。2 7月 2021的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 2 — 已浏览。 1 — 已评价。