Knm-Er 1470 - Oldest Human-Like Sulcal Pattern in the Hominid Fossil RecordFalk, D
(1995). Hominid Corridor Research Project update: New Pliocene fossil localities at Lake Manyara and putative oldest Early Stone Age occurrences at Laetoli (Upper Ndolanya Beds), northern Tanzania. Journal of Human Evolution, 28 , 117–120....
Analysis: Scientists in Ethiopia announce their discovery of bone fragments that may be the oldest fossil hominids found to date...NOAH ADAMS, LINDA WERTHEIMER
Hominid Corridor Research Project update: New Pliocene fossil localities at Lake Manyara and putative oldest Early Stone Age occurrenses at Laetoli (Upper Ndolanya Beds), northern Tanzania - TM, TG, et al. - 1995Kaiser TM, Bromage T, Schrenk F. 1995. Hominid corridor re- search project ...