The book, referred to as the ALQ, is comprised of prayers, poems, and pages of the oldest discovered Passover Haggadah, which was mysteriously written upside down. The prayers and poetry in the book draw on texts from the Hebrew Bible. “The ALQ is one of the most cherished treasures ...
The Hebrew Bible Contains the Oldest Surviving HistoryLicht, JLicht, J 1989. The Hebrew Bible contains the oldest surviving his- tory. BRev 5,22-25,38.
What is the oldest manuscript of the Old Testament? How old is the Catholic religion? What are the three main branches of Judaism? What are the sacred writings of Judaism called? Which came first; Buddhism or Jainism? Who was the first Hebrew in the Bible?
Leprosy by Another Name Not everyone pronounced a "leper" in the past really had leprosy. Skin diseases were rampant in the centuries before antibiotics. The Hebrew word, saraath, which is translated in the 1611King James versionof the Bible as "leprosy," actually covers a wide variety of s...
Search Hastens for Lost Pages of Oldest Hebrew Bible
A Hebrew Bible more than 1,000 years old and described as “one of the most important and singular texts in human history” has become the most valuable manuscript ever sold at auction. The Codex Sassoon, dating from the late 9th or early 10th century, sold for $38.1 million a...