a discovery one scholar described as “invaluable.” It is believed to be one of the oldest of any religious teaching written on paper, except for those of Buddhist scriptures, found in the country.
Scriptures older than 10,000 years have been found written in Sanskrit and Tamil. Also, The Holy Bible was first written in Hebrew. So this makes it quite confusing to determine the oldest language in the world. However, it is true that these languages have influenced each other in some ...
How glad that we have a whole, preserved Bible in the KJV, but we must be careful to put our faith in nothing but the Bible. When you distribute Chick tracts, you can be confident that you are delivering powerful scriptures from the Bible preserved by Christ’s promise in Matt. 24:35...
It started that reflective process in me, you know the one about your life and where you are and how do you feel about that and is there time for something more. It took me back to that place of longing, that secret thing you keep hidden and don’t ever talk about because it doesn...
The topic of world's oldest language is under a lot of debate, as there are many contenders for this title. From Asia there are Sanskrit, Mandarin Chinese, and Tamil. From west there are Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Old Irish, Gothic, and Lithuanian. Scriptures older than 10,000 years have be...