Lam LC, Tam CW, Lui VW, et al. Screening of mild cognitive impairment in Chinese older adults—a multistage validation of the Chinese abbreviated mild cognitive impairment test. Neuroepidemiology. 2008;30(1):6-12. doi:10.1159/000113300PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 55. Fillenbaum G, Heyman A...
SEM with two serial multiple mediation models was used to examine older adults’ attitudes toward younger people and their willingness to interact with younger people within a non-familial context, as serial mediators, in the relationship between intergenerational support and mental health (Fig. 1)....
THE big five-oh was once a dreaded birthday for women but that was back when the only role models for Oexperience- enhancedO women were Fanny Craddock and the late Queen Mother.Hollywood star Jack Nicholson is the latest man to publicly appreciate the allure of the older woman.He said: ...
models was conducted to estimate bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) confidence intervals (CI) with 1000 replications. The values were used to determine the 95% CI for each variable. An effect was considered significant when the BCa CI did not include a zero. AdjustedR2was used to assess ...