Some effects of premature parental responsibility on the older sibling.unpleasant feelingspsychiatric clinicpremature parental responsibilitydoi:10.1080/00377316409517335Welins, Elsa GSmith College Studies in Social Work
Parental involvement in sex education and the quality of parent-child communication about romantic feelings appear to have a protective effect on adolescent sexual behaviours. However, little research has been conducted on the role played by birth order
Similarly, risk-taking behavior could also be affected by sibling constellation. Show abstract Siblings’ Perspectives of the Impact of Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure on Sibling and Family Relationships 2022, Family Process Having Siblings is Associated with Better Social Functioning in Autism Spectrum ...
Child Development (1994) D. Guthrie The role of children in healthcareView more references Cited by (35) Sibling caretaking in immigrant families: Understanding cultural practices to inform child welfare practice and evaluation 2010, Evaluation and Program Planning Show abstract Nonadult supervision of...
parental autonomy and parents’ right to control their own lives (Suitor et al.,2018), adult children place a relatively greater emphasis on protecting and safeguarding parents, emphasizing risk-avoidance over autonomy. Adult children providing aid may also find it easier to do something for their...
Childhood family adversity (maternal depression, financial stress, marital/family conflict, parental role overload) was mea- sured prospectively by maternal report from the child's infancy to age 11. Adolescent internalizing symptoms were obtained by mother, teacher, and self-report from ages 15- ...
Both index child and older sibling ASD status were determined using their entire enrollment time that fell within the study period. Index children had to have at least 1 older sibling with 2 claims with ASD diagnoses or all older siblings with no ASD diagnoses. Children with an older sibling ...
This exploratory longitudinal study investigated developmental heterogeneity in behavioral regulation during toddlerhood and the early preschool years (18 to 36 months) and relations with older siblings' control and behavioral regulation while taking into account parental discipline. Toddlers were visited at ...
Parental death Either of the parents was dead before participant was 17 years. No = 1; Yes = 2 Sibling death Any of the siblings was dead before participant was 17 years. No = 1; Yes = 2 Physical abuse When you were growing up, did your female guardian ever hit you? Never = 1...
Most of the literature suggests that parental role modeling results in children adopting similar behaviors. So, reading may be associated because the children are engaging in an activity introduced to them by parents (i.e., older adults). References Arai, S. (2000). A typology of volunteers ...