Miskelly reported on being able to successfully and accurately locate 11 persons who have wandered, and the mobile phone acted as a reliable tracking device, showing greater than 90% successful location concordance with description given by carer of participant (Level of Evidence: 4). Faucanau ...
Conci, M., Pianesi, F., Zancanaro, M. (2009). Useful, Social and Enjoyable: Mobile Phone Adoption by Older People. In: Gross, T.,et al.Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2009. INTERACT 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5726. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.or...
Young adults provided instrumental support for older persons in relation to mobile phone usage but the subjective impact of these interactions determined the nature of relational interactions both for young adults and older persons. Focusing on the young adults, if a negative impact had been ...
Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore older persons' common experiences of receiving reminders of home exercises through mobile phone text messaging after specialized manual therapy for recurrent LBP. Methods: A total of 7 men and 8 women (67-86 years), who had soug...
This qualitative study aimed to explore older persons' experiences and appraisals of the utility of an mHealth intervention for reducing their sense of loneliness. Participants (n = 13; 86.42% females; age range 65 to 87 years) received training in the use of a smartphone and a social ...
He had left his mobile phone charging upstairs out of reach and to that point had resisted wearing an alarm pendant because of the stigma associated with it. His left leg gave way and Bert didn’t have the bodily strength to pull himself up. He managed to pull a blanket off the sofa ...
(2018) pointed out that the older adult in Taiwan generally have a high sense of self-efficacy, for which they have a high liking for mobile phone technology and a relatively low sense of anxiety. Similarly, studies have shown that older users who have high self-efficacy are more likely ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Medical Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> senior elder older adj Synonyms for older Roget's WordNet adjof greater age than another ...
Walking while talking on a mobile phone, as well as walking while doing math, lowered gait speed and stride length in community-dwelling older adults. Furthermore, MDT and ADT elicit similar cognitive demands to each other, and are greater than ST regarding the spatiotemporal gait characteristics...
“During the COVID-19 pandemic, I used a mobile phone every day. Though I was thinking of getting a laptop and a tablet, my personal phone was what I used always because it was much easier to operate.” Participant 15. “Using the phone in doing my business is not expensive. I hav...