Older persons with mental retardation constitute a growing, chronically dependent population. Most of the older known persons in this group reside in some form of residential facility. While attention has been given in research to the mental health status of these people, studies have typically ...
Although age did not affect perceptions, socioeconomic status did. (ABB) 关键词: Age Differences Attitudes Intervention Mental Health Programs Middle Aged Adults Older Adults Psychiatric Services Social Class Socioeconomic Status DOI: 10.1093/geront/27.3.288 被引量: 39 年份: 1987 ...
Substance use disorders (SUDs) among persons in mid-to-late life (age ≥50) are among the fastest growing health problems in the U.S. Studies suggest that persons with SUDs may experience early onset of age-related diseases. Yet, this "accelerated aging" may also manifest as geriatric condi...
Older Filipinos live in a housing unit that is of acceptable quality, although a significant proportion lives in less than ideal housing condition. Their access to electricity, clean water, and decent toilet facility is generally high, but far from universal. Sources of social support for older ...
Mental health challenges are highly significant among older individuals. However, the non-utilization of mental health services increases with age. Although universal health coverage (UHC) was reported to reduce unmet health care needs, it might not be s
Potentially eligible residents were first identified by the nursing unit charge nurse as persons who would be able to answer simple questions about vision and daily activities in the nursing home, were at least 55 years of age, and spoke English. Written informed consent was obtained from all pa...
This study aims to investigate sleep duration and its association with sociodemographic, health behaviour, mental health, and chronic disease factors among rural individuals 40 years and older in South Africa. Cross-sectional data from the "Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an IN...
The law stipulated the need to care for the ‘disabled, sick, aged or other persons’ but mainly was within 24 h residential care with no community care. Revisions in the 1980s with the 1988 Griffiths review and 1989 white paper ‘Caring for People’, expanded into the 1990 Community Act...
This paper tests the hypothesis that a resilient personality moderates the impact of ill-health on subjective well-being. A cross-sectional survey drew a r
Persons with substance use problems often have strained relationships with their family. Such strains may turn sources of mattering, such as the family, into sources of not mattering. The participants’ descriptions suggested that, just as there can be a fine line between love and hate in famil...