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be free of exploitation and physical or mental abuse and be treated fairly regardless of age, gender and racial or ethnic background” and “Older persons should have access to healthcare to help them maintain or regain the optimal level of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and to preve...
Older adults residing in refugee settlements with unhealthy living environments, inadequate access to health care services, and limited psychosocial support are vulnerable to experience mental health problems jeopardizing their mental well-being. The present study aims to explore the mental well-being statu...
Because the self-reported physical health of widowers and married men was found to be quite similar, this factor is unlikely to have influenced these findings. In comparison with published norms for older Australians (male and female) based on the Canberra Interview for the Elderly (Henderson et...
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School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Dafna Merom, Robert Cumming, Chris Rissel, Judy M Simpson & Rachael L Morton Centre for Research on Aging, Health and Wellbeing, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Kaarin J Anstey Centre for Physical Activity and...
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[1]. The proportion of older people aged 60 years and over is expected to rise from 19% in 2000 to 34% by 2050 [2], resulting in a commensurate increase in ED presentations by older persons. Awareness of the connection between ED use and the health of older people, has led to an ...
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Examination of Length of Stay for Older Persons in the Acute and Sub-Acute Sector. Report for the AHMAC Working Group on the Care of Older Australians. Canberra: Department of Health. Google Scholar 3. Borbasi S., Jones J., Lockwood C., Emden C. Health professionals’ perspectives of ...