"The tendency to start families later in life now means there's a real and urgent need for better ways to predict how a mother's age will affect her pregnancy health. Mums over 35 face higher risks of their babies being born too early, too small, or even stillborn—but if we can ide...
This article focuses on issues related to the pregnancy of older women. Women aged 40 and older are more likely than their younger counterparts to have a complicated pregnancy or delivery but their babies undergo almost ...
The rise in older mothers "lends itself to women having some information about what the risks are, and thinking about developing a reproductive health plan early on," Ashton told LiveSicence. But she notes that the chances of having complications in pregnancy also depend on the health of the ...
Alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug use among young people is a public health concern in the UK. The short and long term risks to health are well known and range from accidental injuries, violence, sexual ill-health and increased rates of chronic conditions and premature death. A range of poli...