In summary, older men in the Bible are portrayed as pillars of wisdom, leadership, and integrity. Their role is vital in the family, church, and community, serving as examples and mentors to younger generations. The biblical portrayal of older men underscores the importance of living a life ...
Senior man and woman in the ancient greek theatre. allenum Coach, stretching arms or old people in park for fitness or body mobility in outdoor workout YuriArcursPeopleimages Old people in park, praying with Bible and worship, trust and faith in God with Christian YuriArcursPeopleimages ...
Titus 2 Legacy Standard Bible Instructions for the Older and Younger 2 But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine. 2 Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in [a]perseverance....
The Tourist <M15+> (May 2011) The Human Planet <PG> (May 2011) The Fighter <M15+> (May 2011) Fireball <M15+> (May 2011) National Geographic the Devil's Bible <M15+> (May 2011) National Geographic Tales from the Tomb <M15+> (May 2011) The Tatami Galaxy <M15+> (May 2011) Tr...
In 1 Chronicles 23:3-4, David organizes the Levites, noting, "The Levites thirty years old and upward were counted, and the total number of men was thirty-eight thousand. Of these, twenty-four thousand were to oversee the work of the house of the LORD, six thousand were officers and...
That's not true says the apostle Paul. Listen as Pastor Steve looks at the ministry of older men and women in the church. Sermon ID 42124344445207 Duration 28:02 Date Apr 21, 2024 Category Radio Broadcast Bible Text 使徒保羅與弟多書 2:2-3 #men #women #older #godly #sober #...
PLUSDo your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade toBible Gateway Plusand get the best value in digital Bible study. Resources for2 Korinterne 12 Find resource All Study Bibles Encyclopedias ...
The integral role ofreligion in the lives of these older rural adults is an overarching themepresent in the interview texts. Six major themes link religion and healthself-management: (1) prayer and faith in health self-management, (2)reading the Bible, (3) church services, (4) mental and...
In addition to congregational activities—men’s club, choir and bible study—men also perform various activities at the church, such as cleaning, cutting grass, opening and closing the building, and minor repairs. “Churches may be a primary social outlet and sphere of productive activity for ...
提多书 2:2–8 — 1890 Darby Bible (DARBY) 2that the elder men be sober, grave, discreet, sound in faith, in love, in patience;3that the elder women in like manner be in deportment as becoming those who have to say to sacred things, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, tea...