Old SF, New FX: Exploring the Reception of Replacement Special Effects for Older Episodes of Doctor Who and Star TrekTELEVISION programmers & programmingSPECIAL effects (Television)SCIENCE fictionADVERTISINGFANTASY television programsFan audience negotiations of remade special effects for older iterations of...
Two participants reported episodes of cold and seasonal flu during the intervention, resulting in lower participation in exercise sessions during the winter months. Process evaluation of logistics The cooperation between the study nurse at the CTU, the project administrator, and the project leader ...
Allie Allie was a White woman in her mid-50's who had experienced several episodes of homelessness. She was being evicted from her housing at the time of the interview. Allie believed she would receive housing from a social-service agency and was currently on the waiting list. She attended...
Doctor Who the Greatest Show in the Galaxy <PG> (August 2012) Doctor Who and the Krotons <G> (August 2012) Monty Python and the Holy Grail <PG> (August 2012) Apocalypse The Second World War <M15+> (August 2012) Ironclad <MA15+> (August 2012) Episodes <MA15+> (August 2012) ...
Adverse drug reactions in hospital in-patients: a prospective analysis of 3695 patient-episodes. PLoS One. 2009;4(2):e4439. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Mangoni AA, Jackson SH. Age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: basic principles and practical applications...
Psychotherapy is also useful in older patients who cannot or will not take medication. Efficacy studies show that late-life depression can be treated with psychotherapy. For those that have had two or three episodes during their lifetime, treatment should extend up to two years after remission. ...
Witt: We like to start these episodes by getting to know our guests outside of medicine. We know you're an expert pulmonologist and geriatrician; what are you doing or thinking about outside of medicine? Austin: I love to read science books or listen to them on tape, and recently I'...
Participants in the both the HRS and ELSA were asked about the presence of common chronic health conditions using the question, "Has a doctor ever told you that you had...?" For this analysis, we included stroke, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, lung disease, and cancer. Depressive sy...
The Cougar Next Door Who Loved Being Tied Up and GaggedThu, Sep 27, 2012 Add a plot Rate Add image OMG! Don't Let My Husband Find Me Taped Up Like This!Thu, Oct 4, 2012 Add a plot Rate Add image Trophy Wife Found Bound & Gagged in Her Black Bra and GirdleThu, Oct 18, 2012...
This occurred for low-distinctive- ness events that permitted inferences based on semantic knowledge, also called general event knowledge (Con- way, 1996), or repisodes (Neisser, 1982). Failure to dis- criminate was not limited, however, to mundane events and sometimes occurred for events ...