Some cars have the “wow” factor, while some don’t. This Fathom Green SS396 definitely has it, and it is hard to find much not to like about this beauty. For 30-year-old paint, it looks pretty impressive. The owner says that it does wear a few marks, but nothing shows in the ...
Under the terms of a EULA, the owner of the device does not own the copy of the software sold with it – she is merely a licensee. Licensees aren’t protected by the first sale doctrine or the provisions of Section 117, which the Copyright Office acknowledges as signific...
The previous owner of this house wanted to leave me a massive old upright piano where it sat in the living room. I declined. I was working in the backyard when the poor guy arrived with a friend. I ended up helping them. The trick to moving a piano involves using a sledge hammer and...
It took remarkably long for me to get oriented in Will’s world. I think I read most scenes in the first two chapters two or three times. At some point, I stopped, stunned:This is the REAL world,I realized. No one has daemons. Lights are electric, not anbaric. People use cars and...