In this feel-good classic, seasoned actors Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau play two lifelong neighbors and rivals who find themselves vying for the affection of an alluring new neighbor, portrayed by Ann-Margret. The witty banter and humorous situations make it a delightful exploration of frie...
far away for the first time. This version of the 1977 classic “Star Wars: A New Hope” has been dubbed in the Ojibwe language. It’s spoken by one of the largest Indigenous nations in the U.S. and Canada. One of the lead voice actors in the film...
Older actors could sweep Academy Awards -- Shirley MacLaine, Lauren Bacall, and others may carry the Oscars this spring Break out the Geritol! Usually, the annual Oscar race offers at least one veteran performer in competition — think Paul Newman forNobody’s Fooltwo years ago. But this yea...
but the two Pooh actors since then, Hal Smith and Jim Cummings, have been faithful to Holloway’s original tones. Just a year before his death in 1992, Holloway was honored as the first voice actor to be named an official “Disney Legend.” ...
Five thousand gallons of water rushed in on the actors. Among them was George C. Scott, who had to leave his oxygen bottle whenever he worked. A strong union guy, he refused to cross a picket line during the show. The production backed down. ...
“Seems like we know how to poll white, middle-aged people really well,” said John Della Volpe, the director of polling for the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics and an expert on polling young voters. “But if they’re younger, older, Black, Hispanic — there seems to be no...
Admittedly, Christopher Nolan is a director who routinely hires the same actors, and Caine himself appeared throughout the Dark Knight trilogy as Alfred Pennyworth. Given the inherent mystery surrounding Tenet's characters, and considering Caine's admission that he had little idea of what was going...
introducing the actorsA.abcB.abdC.acdD.bcd【5】What can we infer from the last paragraphA.An must decide to raise her younger brother at last.B.An made a correct decision to leave the family in the end.C.The director, script writer and producer feel sorry for the older sister.D.The...
John and Lucretia Oliver were amongthe earliest settlersof Cades Cove, arriving in 1818. This rustic log cabin, nestled in the Smoky Mountains, dates to the 1850s and was built as a future home for their son.Inhabited by the Oliver family for a century, the National Park Service eventually...
but they are the hidden heroes of many movies. They were around long before films. Even Shakespeare may have used them in fight scenes. To be good, a fight scene has to look real. Punches must26enemies’jaws. Sword fights must be fought with27swords. Several actors are usually in a fig...