However, six months ago, his record was broken by someone else. For him, though, there's no reason to feel discouraged, as his ambitions go far beyond that. His primary goal was to learn, gain experience, and prepare for his round-the-world journey. Additionally, the attempt brought him...
Amerindians had never before experienced the deadly Eurasian sicknesses brought by the foreigners in wave after wave: smallpox measles typhus plague influenza malaria yellow fever. These diseases conquered the Americas before the sword could be un...
Joao felt ___ for the sick, little bird, so he brought him back to his home. He cleaned him and fed him ___, and he gave him the name Dindim. The penguin soon became strong and ___ again. After a week or two, Joao walked down to the coast and tried to put Dindim back to...
Using a bus, the study participants of both studies were brought from their homes to the Ufa Eye Institute where a team of about 20 trained technicians and ophthalmologists performed all examinations. Those individuals which were unable to come to the hospital, underwent the interview and all exam...
People born before 1957 are considered to have immunity to measles due to natural exposure. Measles among the most contagious of diseases Considered most harmful to babies and small children, measles has been spreading in under immunized communities after being imported by unvaccinated travelers, Garcia...
I just live in such a world where books, and the knowledge that comes with them, are highly valued.” Catherine, an American woman, said, “I’ve even received a note of thanks from a gentleman named Esteban. He was especially thankful to have a “friend” on a cold night: ‘Thank...
A study led by The University of Manchester has demonstrated that new technology that can analyse millions of gene sequences in a matter of seconds is an effective way to quickly and accurately identify diseases in skeletons.
Zionists have been Colonizing and voting “No” at the point of a gun continuously for less than 100 years and have been doing it in the 21st Century with the support of America in denial of the majority of nations and peoples of the world ...
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