远离电视、远离手机,寻找最初的纯粹的亲子时光。 在这里,我计划伴你读完1000+本绘本故事。 一个人阅读很孤单,一群人学习更快乐。 今日故事: The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe 住在鞋里的老奶奶 有一个住在鞋子里的老妇人,她有一群活泼可爱的孩子们,会发生怎样的故事呢? END 今天的故事就到这里啦~ 英语...
Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe音频:00:0001:01 表演版:参考视频,和孩子们一起来玩这首童谣 儿歌 There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn't know what to do; She gave them somebrothand ...
the-day-i-was-a-dragon_bilibili 03:54 the-smelly-socks_bilibili 04:38 the-story-of-a-sock_bilibili 00:59 the-woman-who-lived-in-an-old-shoe_bilibili 02:08 three-blind-mice_bilibili 00:29 three-cats_bilibili 04:23 whats-that_bilibili 00:28 when-sasha-met-polani_bilibili ...
The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe 住在鞋里的老奶奶 有一个住在鞋子里的老妇人,她有一群活泼可爱的孩子们,会发生怎样的故事呢? END 今天的故事就到这里啦~ 英语启蒙课程 英语启蒙指导+答疑辅导 陪伴孩子,享受快乐阅读时光 助力他们英语启蒙。...
《The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe》是The Wiggles演唱的歌曲,由Traditional作词作曲,收录于专辑《The Wiggles Nursery Rhymes》。歌曲歌词 Produced by:Anthony Field/Lachlan Gillespie There was an old woman who lived in a shoe She loved so many colors her favorite was blue She loved to drink ...
欢迎收听由主播ChrisLeeson为您带来的“英语故事 住在鞋屋里的老奶奶*The Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe”精彩有声内容,该音频时长5分1秒,已被收听72487次,用户秋叶灵琼评价说“打卡”。为您推荐更多相关的音频“英语故事 神秘的神秘先生*() Mr. Mystery”、“英语故事
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.有一个住在鞋子里的老婆婆。She had so many children… 她有好多好多的孩子……She didn’t know what to do.她自己都不知道该如何是好了。There was Hannah and Harry… and Sara and Sam.Hannah 和Harry……以及Sara和 Sam。There was Aisha and Abdul...
绘本《the old woman who lived in a shoe — usborne first reading:level two》,Usborne Publishing 绘本内容 USBORNE FIRST READING:LEVEL TWO the old woman who lived in a shoe VIP会员查看更多完整内容。 微信搜索「布克船长亲子故事」,关注领取价值128元VIP会员的3天体验期。