They approached director Peter Walker, renowned for a slew of successful exploitation pictures throughout the 1970s, suggesting he create something for the likes of Bela Lugosi, Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff, blissfully unaware the three actors were dead. Regardless, Walker took the baton and ran...
Several old photos were found in a house in Syracuse. David Haas of Syracuse History turned to social media to see if he could find the owners. "I often work with the Land Bank to tell stories about their properties," said Haas. "This time, one of their staff was visiting the house,...
White House Flickr, however, has been useful for marking the political cadence of the White House, and sometimes, too, the emotional mood. If off-beat, this photo might suggest a few things about the 2015 edition now that Obama has run his last campaign and seems lighter in his step, mo...
CHICAGO (Dec. 23, 1944) --Mrs. Iola Swinnerton Warren, who suffered the illness known as myositis ossificans after inoculation for typhoid following a Florida hurricane, watches her husband Theron V. Warren and little nephew Herbert Taylor trim Christmas tree.(Acme Newspictures photo) ...
CHICAGO (Dec. 23, 1944) --Mrs. Iola Swinnerton Warren, who suffered the illness known as myositis ossificans after inoculation for typhoid following a Florida hurricane, watches her husband Theron V. Warren and little nephew Herbert Taylor trim Christmas tree.(Acme Newspictures photo) ...
If you're looking for a fun job that involves deep technical content and seeing the the big pictures...Date: 02/06/2006What is "Offline Community" for you?We stumbled across an "Offline Community" rating from customers and we were wondering what does it...Date: 02/06/2006...
Hopefully you like technical talk, because I'm not holding anything back. If not, well, there are pictures! (and you can skip straight to thecool section) You might also want a copy ofNoesison hand to explore along with me. In case you aren't familiar, in short summary, it's a to...
Country house The Old Countryhouse 3 stars out of 5 437 Gloucester Street, Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand, 8011 - See map The car parking and the Wi-Fi are always free, so you can stay in touch and come and go as you please. Conveniently situated in the Linwood part of Christchur...
I have pictures. Would you like to see them? W: Yes, sure. M: Here I am on top of Mount Fuji. And here I am in a hot air balloon. W: When did you do that? I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon. M: It was two years ago, in August, in California. W:...
(When I opened up my old photo albums, most of the pictures slid out, with the plastic “protective” sheets curling or completely ripped.) So your first step is to remove what you can from its housing, wearing white cotton gloves like these so you don’t cause more damage from the ...