关于旧世界 ( Ol..不知道在这里还有没有人记得我,大概4年前就没来过了,记得当时玩的最后一个版本是0.8.1。最近突然想起来以前自己做的一个mcpe存档,就登上了这个号找。苍天不负有心人,我在网盘找到了当初的存档。因为换
Hallowed_Hallow_V4.1.1_(RP).mcaddon Hallowed_Hallow_V4.1.1.mcpack Supported Minecraft versions Discontinued / Outdated 1.16.200 1.16.101 You may also like... Frost V2.1.2.02 (Quick Hotfix) 4 Dec, 2023 Annoying Mobs Run Away V1.2
Minecraft textures has been updated but you can still use the classic ones. The only problem is, the new blocks are based on the new textures. This pack fixes it! Screenshots: *these are only some of changed blocks and items* I was very sad when The Nether Update has been released, an...
36回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraftpe吧谁能给我一个OLD地图的村庄啊! 只看楼主收藏回复 枫风棱乱 钻石 10 镇楼图。。because,这种无限地图的村庄太卡。。。我需要种 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2014-08-11 23:44回复 L5E329T 末影人 13 9595 来自Android客户端2楼2014-08-11 23:48 收起回复 ...
【存档发布】Old ..【红石音乐】其实主要是为了宣传音效包来的-关于自制音效包由于种种原因,Pianissimo音效包要鸽一段时间(咕咕咕...)这个存档用的是PianissimoNoteBlock,Pianissimo音
This Minecraft tutorial explains the Old Growth Pine Taiga biome (formerly called Giant Tree Taiga or Mega Taiga) with screenshots. In Minecraft, you will spawn into worlds with unique weather, animals, and plants. These regions are known as biomes. Let'
【不看这个小心毁档】..没有啦level.dat_old,存档毁了的时候就无法救活,修改器也打不开,所以在你下决心造大型建筑的时候,一定把level.dat复制一份 --我终于找到了既能显示动态又让别人不能关注的方法了,
The Old Growth Birch Forest biome is available in the following versions of Minecraft: * The version that it was added or removed, if applicable. NOTE:Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them...
2. When you download the Infernal Origins zip file, go to your .minecraft folder, then go to your saves folder, choose the world you're currently playing on, or have just created, then go into that worlds datapack folder, and put the Infernal Origins zip file in. After that, restart ...
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