June 15, 2024Andrew Sargent101 Most Misunderstood Verses,Old Testament Studies,Politics When God Commanded Israel to Break His Law There is an interesting twist, if you’ll pardon the pun, in the tassel command fromNumbers 15:38-41 when it is woven (sorry I just can’t stop myself) into...
Psalm 8:1-2 exalts the majesty of God and His glory in working through the weak and lowly to accomplish His purposes. As we consider these verses in light of Christ, we see how they both prepared Israel for their Messiah and find their ultimate fulfillment in Him, in keeping with Jesus...
The prophet Obadiah, in the shortest book in the Old Testament (only 21 verses), prophesies judgment for and deliverance from Israel’s enemies, and promises that Israel will one day fully possess its inheritance and the true King will reign on earth. “But on Mount Zion will be deliveranc...
A Non-canonical Old Testament Book (A Supplement to the Lists of Parallel Biblical Verses)BobevAndrey
As Christians, we have to understand that the Old Testament verses like these have to be viewed in light of Jesus” work on the cross. In this case, Galatians 3:13 clearly states that “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.” ...
II. HISTORY OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE 1. Oldest Form of Language 2. The Hebrew of the Old Testament 3. Its Uniformity 4. The Cause Thereof 5. Differences Due to Age 6. Differences of Style 7. Foreign Influences 8. Poetry and Prose
The custodians of Old Testament Scripture established important safeguards as part of a painstaking process to ensure the accurate transmission of the text.
The paper describes and analyzes the full presence of red in the Old Testament – in Hebrew and translations. The approach is interdisciplinary, which includes: the treatment of color as a cultural unit, according to the idea of Umberto Eco; lexical and contextual semantics; examining Basic Color...
If it’s now saved on your computer, try using Acrobat’s Find feature, with the “Match Case” option turned off. It’s pronounced like the letter K. It’s an old English word that means jay bird. For me, postmodernism is the copy of Jean-François Lyotard’s The Postmodern Conditi...
I'm not sure how to take this. But hey, if this is the move the toy and game company Mattel plans to make, then so be it. After all, it's just a game, and those of us who grew up with the original Scrabble can just keep on playing that one....