The meaning of OLD TESTAMENT is the first part of the Christian Bible containing the books of the Jewish canon of Scripture.
The meaning of THE OLD TESTAMENT is the first part of the Christian Bible that tells about the Jews, their history, and God's words to them in the time before Jesus Christ was born.
Old/New TestamentEach day includes a passage from both the Old Testament and New Testament.Duration: 365 daysChinese Union Version (Simplified) (CUVS) 創世記 41-42 41 过了两年,法老做梦,梦见自己站在河边, 2 有七只母牛从河里上来,又美好又肥壮,在芦荻中吃草。 3 随後又有七只母牛从河...
Each day includes a passage from both the Old Testament and New Testament.Duration: 365 daysChinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 利未記 15-16 15 耶和華對摩西、亞倫說: 2 你們曉諭以色列人說:人若身患漏症,他因這漏症就不潔淨了。 3 他患漏症,無論...
Daily Study Bible: Old Testament Set (24 Volumes)or more eachor more each
Each day includes a passage from both the Old Testament and New Testament.Duration: 365 daysChinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 以賽亞書 9-10 9 但那受過痛苦的必不再見幽暗。從前神使西布倫地和拿弗他利地被藐視,末後卻使這沿海的路,約但河外,外邦人的加利利地得著榮耀。 2...
In this section you will find information on the mystical interpretation of passages in the Old Testament of the Bible. Genesis 1.Introduction to Genesis 2.Genesis and The Planes of Consciousness 3.Noahs Ark and The Flood Symbolism 4.Tower of Babel ...
Old Testament Bible Sketches for Children 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The scripts in this volume were originally created by the author for Children's Sand and Surf Mission. They have been tested with kids all along the Eastern Seaboard, Texas, and California. Familiar Bible stories come...
Each day includes a passage from both the Old Testament and New Testament.Duration: 365 daysChinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 耶利米書 9-11 9 但願我的頭為水,我的眼為淚的泉源,我好為我百姓(原文是民女;七節同)中被殺的人晝夜哭泣。 2 惟願我...
Each day includes a passage from both the Old Testament and New Testament.Duration: 365 daysChinese Union Version (Traditional) (CUV) 路得記 1-4 1 當士師秉政的時候,國中遭遇饑荒。在猶大、伯利恆,有一個人帶著妻子和兩個兒子往摩押地去寄居。 2 這人名...