old spice 香水单品 喷雾香水 产地 美国 包装种类 基础包装 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 图文详情 0 本店推荐 Sally Hansen 指甲生长治疗剂 13.3ml ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Xl5eXlMRPA==] 美国进货!Secret 48HR清爽止汗香体啫喱 无香型 73g ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#TExMTEEVmxFuAn8DbgMPAg0T/BoCLb4DEi0UGjARRS...
old spice 男士护理单品 经典系列霸气香型沐浴露 功效 清洁 产地 美国 适用人群 男士专用 规格类型 正常规格 包装种类 基础包装 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 图文详情 0 本店推荐 Sally Hansen 指甲生长治疗剂 13.3ml ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#GhoaGhdCPEEQR6NCC0xURABMa06nRtVGvnoSQtdKJE/wTCl6ikeASPBUf0ez] ★皇冠...
在 2008 年之前,Old Spice 没找准目标受众,他们的广告都是请一些美女来做,但效果却不是很好。跟 Wieden + Kennedy 合作之后,Old Spice 开始启用黑人肌肉男作为代言人——因为他们发现,购买男士香氛、沐浴产品的,大部分是女性,所以要做点女性爱看的。这里面,要数 2010 年的 “The Man Your Man Could Smell Li...
The article reports on the possible completion of Old Spice advertising, which will feature actor Isaiah Mustafa, if Wieden & Kennedy Portland Inc.'s television spot takes the Film category in the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival in France....
(possibly) devious robots, sultry hook-ups or gladiator fighting with some mean-looking space beasts. The lead-in reads: "You awaken in a dark cave. In the distance you see a faint light, in front of you is an open bottle of Old Spice body wash. Go toward the light -- maybe it'...
After an opening scene featuring a man spraying himself with Old Spice deodorant in his bathroom, the pace quickens, with an inception feel rapidly emerging. The bathroom scene pulls out to two men on their sofa watching the advert on their TV , before one ...
宝洁召回Old Spice、Secret喷雾等检出含苯产品 产品召回 宝洁 有效期 媒体报道 强生(中国)有限公司广州宝洁有限公司强生(中国)投资有限公司 2021-11-24 17:01 来源: 搜狐该公司正在召回有效期至2023年9月的所有批次产品,并表示消费者应该停止使用并适当丢弃受影响的产品。 据媒体报道,本月早些时候,独立实验室Valis...
基本信息 广告战役:#Old Spice-设计与品牌-2bd3# 广告品牌:欧仕派 发布日期:2000 行业领域:互联网服务,房产/家居,日用品/母婴 媒体类别:海报/平面 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 获得奖项: Design and Art Direction 2017 木铅笔 影视广告制作(TV Commercial Campaigns) ...
Brawn in the USA: Three days in the Deep South puts us on-song with tuner APR's astonishing Porsche power gains Big wheels keep on turn-nin' is the opening line to southern rockers Lynyrd Skynyrd's Sweet Home Alabama, and I'm belting out an off-key rendition over the 997 Turbo's br...
<ngspice-data-tree>/src/spicelib/parser/inp2<device_type>.c Substitute <device_type> with the letter corresponding to the type of you new model. Here you have to add the interface code for your new device. In the case of hicum (a BJT model and thus a "q" device type) you ...