主库或备库存在断开的复制槽 解决方法之一 9.6引入了old_snapshot_threshold参数,表示快照超过多长时间后,vacuum就可以删除其保留的dead tuple。单位是分钟,默认为-1,表示禁止该特性。这样可以避免表膨胀,但是长事务读取被删除tuple时会报错,snapshot too old 参考资料 Postgresql的表膨胀及对策 ...
vacuum时,在1. old_snapshot_threshold最老的记录 与 2.当前系统最小的backend_xmin, backend_xid中取最大值,超过这个值的则垃圾不能回收。 使用old_snapshot_threshold可以避免长时间持有xmin的事务的sql导致其后产生的垃圾无法回收的问题。 测试 1.持有xid时,vacuum无法回收。 session a: test=#begin;BEGINte...
(b)shows a snapshot of the asymptotic interaction network. Each species is indicated by a node (o). The isolated nodes are the species that have gone extinct and therefore have dropped out of the network, whereas the connected nodes represent species with finite populations, which are still ...
Troubleshooting ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old: Rollback Segment Number "String" With Name "String" Too Small (Doc ID 1580790.1) APP
Dave's snapshot page should have it soon. Here's a compiled image with all these changes. Updated the rev to 0.6.4 (in anticipation of an official release later this weekend). The startup message says "December 14, 2001", so you can easily tell if you are running the code with ...
- new: x265 switches --dup-threshold, --frame-dup - new: nvenc switches --multiref-l0, --multiref-l1 - new: StaxRip can use MediaInfo.NET instead of the built-in MediaInfo GUI, it requires MediaInfo.NET to be installed and started at least once - fix: FFTW not always asked to be...
Hi dear users, I need your feedback for the next version of Flowcharting : [0.9.1b SNAPSHOT] - 2020-11-08 Added New initialization engine for drawio libs New notifier handler in panel. Change default url draw.io by https://embed.diagrams...
On the positive side, one gets to see the final wine that has made it into bottle, not a snapshot of a particular barrel at a particular moment in its evolution—and much can happen between barrel and bottle (de Vogüé in the time of François Millet was a prime example of this)....
your snapshot testing just found a difference from the origin document to current received one - a single space character was added to the markdown... ✏ Code Examples ⚪ ️1.9 Avoid global test fixtures and seeds, add data per-test ✅ Do: Going by the golden rule (bullet 0),...
The problem I'm seeing is one that we've seen for a while, and that's that we see the mon segfault nearly every time we create a snapshot. Tom mentioned above about a month ago that we were seeing this issue, and it still persists. One problem we're looking at is that I don'...