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Well since its monday you already know its time for another classic download. This week I had to take it back to my all time favorite mixtapes " Kid Capri Old School part 2". I can honestly say I learned how to rock parties based on this ...
This is the stupidest mixtape ever what a waste of a download! THis old shit man these kiddie ass niggas lol, get Soulja Boy's dick out ya mouth nigga... This was da shit way back in da day and it still is... Go back to listenin to D4L ya lil bitch... BRING REAL HIP HOP...
RnB Posted: Aug 11 , 2019 Uploaded by: DJJohnny01 Description : Southwest Florida songstress is back with a r&b song in the tradition of love, romance and heartbreak in a way that everyone can listen to and relate. This is the diva's followup to "On The Cheek" which featured Indi...