Related to Old IRA:Old Irish Republican Army Irish Republican Army n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a militant organization of Irish nationalists founded with the aim of striving for a united independent Ireland by means of guerrilla warfare. Abbreviation:IRA ...
A lot of people in the movie business could raise enough money to make a B to get going, but those films, because they’re not produced by a major studio, they’re only distributed by the studio, they become at risk. When those distribution deals have ended, that’s where we go look...
Columbia Pictures was a small player in the early days of talking pictures and studio head Harry Cohn had difficulty rounding up two major stars to play the leads in this modest budget production. Colbert was not interested in doing another Capra film after a negative experience working for him...
Real Irish Food: 150 Classic Recipes from the Old Country People in Ireland are sometimes mortified by what Americans think of as "Irish food." That's because the real thing is much subtler and more delicious than any platter of overcooked corned beef and mushy cabbage could... B David,S...
Oes (pl. ) of O O (n.) The letter O, or its sound. O (n.) Something shaped like the letter O; a circle or oval. O (n.) A cipher; zero. O' () A prefix to Irish family names, which signifies grandson or descendant of, and is a character of dignity; as, O'Neil, O'Ca...
The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), which acts on behalf of the European Union, has been investigating Meta’s transfer of personal data from the EU to the US since 2020. It found that Meta failed to “address the risks to the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects” that...
The title is derived from the title of the TV show and Finnegans Wake, the seminal work of Irish novelist James Joyce. On November 30, 2004, the TBS network launched a reality series titled The Real Gilligan's Island, which placed two groups of people on an island, leaving them to fend...
In a way, it is like the old days in the cities, where you would have an Irish neighborhood, a Polish neighborhood, or German or Chinese neighborhoods where you could find a close-knit continuity of friends and neighbors that have been there for decades. Like the old TV show “Cheers”...
Hogan, was a nice very plain spoken Irish type. I said, look I’m not worried about his performance. He’ll do well because I know that there’ll be a reaction from the audiences. So Frank, I’m gonna take this tape to New York, I’ll make several copies, we’ll both of us ...
Paramount Pictures 18. Ren McCormack,Footloose A Chicago teen (Kevin Bacon) moves with his mother to a small town in Utah and soon confronts a major new reality in his backward new living situation – that most of the people have never heard the name Ren before. Just kidding. Our young ...