Time to cut the Nokia 3310 birthday cake No matter how far smartphone technology progresses, there is something about the simplicity and functionality of old mobile phones that always appeals to us. In 2000, the original retro phone favorite was launched, and to date is still one of the best...
DeepIn2U, 05 Dec 2024Everybody keeps thinking this is Snake from Nokia, but I recall this from Split Second made b...moreWait, people actually associate Snakes wih Nokia? I had absolutely no idea what its origins were, but I've always assumed it was a very old game from the 80s. ...
首先我們看到的是全新的 Nokia 3310 整體體積比起舊版更小巧,机身轮廓显得更圓潤,機身配色方面也更活潑,同時屏幕也升級到 2.4 寸大彩色屏。 對比一下機身側邊,全新的 Nokia 3310 機身僅有 12.8mm 厚,這相比起舊版的 22mm 成功瘦身一大圈,成功擺脫胖子的稱號。 翻開背面,我們看到全新的 Nokia 3310 配置了 200 ...
with our fingers learning to dance across the small keyboard. Back then, phones like the Nokia 3310 were the big stars, and we typed text messages at record speed, sometimes even without looking
We drop tested both the new and old Nokia 3310 – and there was a clear winnerLeon Siciliano
The mobile world has undoubtedly come a very, very long way since Nokia launched the Snake game on its phones many, many years ago. And perhaps to prove that point, today Nothing has released a new widget. This widget features the Snake game. It's not the original game of course, b...
踏入2017 下半年,Nokia 在今年年頭髮布的數款新機已陸續在全球各國正式發售,當中不出所料復新版的 Nokia 3310 最受歡迎,近日 HMD CMO - Pekka Rantala 在接受采訪時透露全新 Nokia 3310 的需求量非常大,儘管不斷補貨但它仍即時售罄,這大大增加了 HMD
Another reminder of the smartphone business’s maturity was that the most talked-about new device was the Nokia 3310 feature phone, an updated version of a phone first made 17 years ago. With limited internet connectivity, it appeals partly as a “digital detox”, said Arto Nummela, chief ex...
The mobile world has undoubtedly come a very,verylong way since Nokia launched the Snake game on its phones many, many years ago. And perhaps to prove that point, today Nothing has released a new widget. This widget features the Snake game. It's not the original game of course, but a...
Nokia and BlackBerry have made successful returns by trading on some much-loved old designs, but they aren't the only ones with a strong back catalog of cool phones that we'd like to see given a new lease of life. Here are our picks of the nostalgic devi