The history of nomenclature (命名) in Britain is so old that no one knows the beginning of the story. Since written history began, people have had names. It is therefore impossible to do more than guess at how the earliest given names were chosen. Most names appear to have had some sort...
The meaning of OLD RED SANDSTONE is a thick series of fragmental chiefly sandstone rocks of nonmarine origin, predominantly red in color, and representing the Devonian system in some parts of Great Britain and elsewhere in northwestern Europe.
English language - Old English, Middle English, Modern English: Among highlights in the history of the English language, the following stand out most clearly: the settlement in Britain of Jutes, Saxons, and Angles in the 5th and 6th centuries; the arriva
The history of nomenclature (命名) in Britain is so old that no one knows the beginning of the story. Since written history began, people have had names. It is therefore impossible to do more than guess at how the earliest given names were chosen. Most names appear to have had some sort...
... when Scots & others are likely to be within earshot, Britain & British should be inserted as tokens, but no more, of what is really meant [Fowler] In pronunciation, "En-" has become "In-," perhaps through the frequency of -ing- words and the relative rarity of -e- before ...
Araminta is an enchanting eighteenth-century invention familiar in Britain and just beginning to be discovered here. It was used in 1693 by William Congreve in his comedy The Old Bachelor, and in 1705 by the versatile Sir John Vanbrugh, architect of Blenheim Palace as well as a playwright, ...
Games of chase are very popular in Britain, just like everywhere else in the world. There are lots of types of chase game, and lots of different names for them depending on which part of the WK you visit. “Tig”. “Tag”, or “Debby” are all names for the same game. In those ...
We used the numbers of people being assisted on 1 January 1891 (Great Britain Parliamentary Papers 1892). At the individual level, we used lists of the names of individuals being supported in the early 1880s by three Poor Law Unions, Alton and Winchester in Hampshire and Ripon in the West...
While the meanings of the names would not have influenced which name a Viking Age child was given, modern parents write and ask about names to give to their children today, medieval recreationists using these names for their Viking Age personas care about the meanings of names, and so forth...
Gary Oldman. Actor: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Gary Oldman is a talented English movie star and character actor, renowned for his expressive acting style. One of the most celebrated thespians of his generation, with a diverse career encompassing theatre,