Mutual authentication support (mTLS) LDAP authentication support Social login (Facebook, Google, GitHub, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Slack, Amazon, Twitter) with Gravatar support Syntax highlighting for code in posts, GFM markdown support with tables, task lists and strikethrough Import data from Stack Overf...
Odd Fellow () A member of a secret order, or fraternity, styled the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, established for mutual aid and social enjoyment. Oddities (pl. ) of Oddity Oddity (n.) The quality or state of being odd; singularity; queerness; peculiarity; as, oddity of dress, mann...
We commenced building houses, and improving our lands; building mills and other machinery, for our mutual benefit; quietly and peaceably enjoying our new homes, and using much industry and economy, to render the desolate waste, whither we had been driven, a pleasant habitation for man. The ...
The floating population not only has the free flow of means of life and production to provide the necessary information of urban life, but also forms a non fixed mutual aid group to look after, educate and supervise their children in the community. This kind of watch and help reduces the ...
Hopefully someone knowledgable will drop in on this mutual help public forum. Yes, it looks like the lamp broke and someone decided to save the base. If there are no foundry or artist markings I don't think it has an exotic history to learn about. I see hundreds of wrought iron and...
I digress. I had Heather Lende on my mind. I thought I would like to meet her. Tony Tengs (the world’s best bartender, who bartends on the ferry) is a mutual friend. He said I should just call her up. But she gets fan mail, for heavens sake, and I was again afraid I would...
all the things you liked best, or they would go on about all their autoexcoriatingly sketchy designs on members of the opposite sex, or both. The rejects thought themselves better than everyone and everything, and everyone else thought themselves better than the rejects. It was mutual ...
(Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), formerly Middle East Treaty Organization, or Baghdad Pact Organization, mutual security organization dating from 1955 to 1979 and composed of Turkey, Iran, Pakistan,The USA and the United Kingdom. Imagine that today? The world was changing and we were very ...
One major disparity might be that while references in hip hop convey a sense of mutual understanding and experience to often self-aggrandize, traditional geek culture places much of its subcultural cache in the accumulation of nerdy knowledge—i.e. nerd cred. It’s one thing for Jay-Z to tal...
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Catherine Austin Fitts says, “You are seeing a tug of war between the new system that’s coming up and the old system that’s struggling and dying.” Fitts explains it by saying, “Let’s pretend we have a