Plexiform Pulmonary Arteriopathy in a 2 Year-Old Boy / ki Yandaki Erkek ocuunda Pleksiform Pulmoner ArteriyopatiChildPulmonary hypertensionLung DiseasesÇocukPulmoner hipertansiyonAkciğer hastalıklarıIdiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension is a rare disease in children. We report a case of...
Casemiro, Old Trafford'da Erik ten Hag'ın ilk 11'ine girdiğinden beri, Kırmızı Şeytanlar'ın tecrübeli defansif orta saha oyuncusunu Manchester'a getirmek için neden 55 milyon Sterlin verdiğini kanıtlıyor. Şimdi 30 yaşınd...
At the beginning, she didn’t make any money. Zeng’s parents didn’t give her any support until she could stand on her own feet and help people sell their products. She has now sold local agricultural products worth tens of millions of yuan, like fermented tofu, preserved pork and dried...
ABSTRACT 287: 1.5 YEAR OLD BOY PRESENTING WITH WHITE LUNG: DIFFERENTIATION SYNDROME IN THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSISAn abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/01.pcc.0000449013.83141.3bYalndaÖztürkCakanErkekPediatric Critical Care Medicine