Fall 2019: Old Master Drawings Lot 21:Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, il Guercino,The Holy Spirit Appearing to St. Gregory,chalk, circa 1640s. $8,000 to $12,000. This auction traces the development of draftsmanship over several centuries from late-Gothic, early-Renaissance works of the fifteenth...
Grafica Veneta 5 (Vicenza: Neri Pozza Editore, 1988); Peter Watson, Wisdom and Strength: The Biography of a Renaissance Masterpiece (NY: Doubleday & Co. New York, 1989). Our drawing is a variant of a drawing in the Louvre by "Paolo Cagliari called Veronese (c. 1528-1588)," titled ...
Robilant + Voena, an Old Master, modern and contemporary art dealer with galleries in London, Milan, St Moritz and — since the summer — Paris, has been working with various platforms, including art fair and auction house initiatives. By far the most effective in terms of sales and rekindli...
Known for her figurative paintings referencing the scenes and traditions of European Old Masters, Jesse Mockrin shares her thoughts on six highlights from the upcoming ‘Master Paintings’ auction at Sotheby’s
This frame is loaned from Arnold Wiggins and Sons; if you would like to purchase it please contact a member of the Old Master Paintings department. Provenance Commissioned from the artist by Jean Fréart de Chambray (1604–1674), Le Mans; Nicolas de Launay (1647–1727), Direct...
for a glimpse into the jewellery boxes of the rich and famous, and that’s what portrait painting did for centuries. Jewel expert Astrid Fialka-Herics and Old Master painting specialist Alexander Strasoldo team up to show paintings and the corresponding jewellery coming up forauction this autumn...
After an account of this was related in a Turkish publication in 1973, a rather large fragment of this Beyşehir carpet, one which had previously only been known from its illustration and description in Riefsthal’s publication of it, was put up for auction. İt was part of the estate ...
was put up for auction. İt was part of the estate of a Mr. Pozzi, the onetime French Ambassador to Turkey who had died in Paris. This fragment was purchased at that time by Dr. Edmund Unger for inclusion in the Keir Collection, London. The carpet, formerly described in the literatür...
"Mr. William Armitage, an artist and drawing master from London, has come to reside in our city as a teacher of drawing—he may manage to make a living," Ottinger confided to his journal in May of 1881. "I am afraid the future will be a hard experience for him, not harder than ...
Burney— as stipulated in his will—describes his collection thus: "My collection of music, printed and manuscript, I wish to be sold by auction. It was most of it good in its day, thought now some of it is out of fashion, but there are many curious scare and excellent compositions ...