Note 3: There is a report, of uncertain dependablity, saying that William Morgan, the anti-Masonic martyr, once wrote a pseudo-history of ancient America, based upon the legend of Prince Madoc. I present such readers who take delight in this sort of subject, with an interesting letter wh...
Giddins, by way of apology for assenting to Morgan's death, at first, states, that he considered himself bound by his masonic duty so to do. His sense of masonic duty was precisely such as it is reasonable to suppose a professed atheist would have, and his conduct on that occasion ...
ICONOGRAPHY Music handwriting, ms OMI - tel/fax Old 212/ Manuscripts 758-1946 • & Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station, New • York NY 1c0o1ll5ec0tionFsr&idaeyx,h1ib2itJcualyta2lo0g24s Music iconographic material, books on graphology, ...
Old 1970's Deans Rag Book Childsplay 28 cm Black Plush Monkey Chimp with Label This is a gorgeous Deans Rag Book Childsplay, from around the 1970's, he looks a little less realistic than the earlier ...from
“But 200 years ago, geometry was only taught in Masonic Lodges. During the Renaissance, men of social class joined their local Masonic Lodges so that they could learn these things.” A piece of what is known as a “Master’s Carpet,” a basic emblematical chart for the instruction of ...
We want in a word from the people of North America, books which, whatever may be their faults are decidedly, if not altogether, Notes: (forthcoming) The Escritoir; or, Masonic and Miscellaneous Album. Vol. I. Albany, New-York, Mar 25, 1826. No. 9. A new novel, to be entitled...
W. Phelps, late editor of the Ontario Phoenix, an anti-masonic paper, has embraced the Mormon faith, and has been ordained as an elder and commissioned to preach. Notes: (forthcoming) Vol. ? Buffalo, NY, September 6, 1831. No. ? MORMONISM. We had hoped, that ere this the ...
W. W. Phelps,editor of the Ontario Phoenix, has recently been scurvily dealt with, if we may believehis statement, by some of his anti-masonic brethren. Travelling to Palmyra to investigate the Book of Mormon, he was arrested and placed in safe keeping in the jail at Lyons! This was ...
W. Phelps, late editor of the Ontario Phoenix, an anti-masonic paper, has embraced the Mormon faith, and has been ordained as an elder, and has been commissioned to preach. Note 1: The Ithaca Journal of Aug. 24, 1831 reprinted the same report, and included a second sentence: "Phelps...
Spalding was a member of the same Masonic lodge as Oliver Cowdery's friend, [Edwin] Alanson Cooley, is an intriguing one -- especially so, given the fact that William Morgan was also a member of the lodge and that Oliver Cowdery reportedly once served as a scribe for Morgan (who is ...