The utilization of an orthotic device to treat a mallet finger injury is common practice. This author describes a different approach to treating patients with an old mallet finger injury. The incorporation of frequent, self-regulated exercises without the use of an orthosis is described. – ...
Her mother was concerned about the possibility of a recent injury. Examination showed flexion deformity of the right fifth finger with complete loss of extension at the DIPJ. There was mild swelling and tenderness of the DIPJ with no bruising, erythema or warmth. An X-ray was performed ( ...
The present invention discloses a deformity of the implant for the treatment of chronic mallet finger, aimed at overcoming the chronic mallet finger deformity problems. 所述的植入物(4)是由底面和上表面包围组成的一个实心的扁形体,植入物(4)设置成实心的扁圆形体,扁长方形体,扁正方形体或扁椭圆形体...
The invention discloses an implant for treating old mallet finger deformity, which aims to overcome problem of the old mallet finger deformity. The implant (4) is a flat solid unit which is surrounded by a bottom surface and an upper surface; the implant (4) is designed as an oblate ...
Mallet fingerFracture fixationAvulsion fractureFlexion angleKirschner wiresDiagram of the degree of dislocation and the size of the fracture block. The length of the articular surface of the phalangette fracture block and the length of the residual articular surface were measured. The length of the ...
Conclusion: Direct fixation of fracture fragment with modified double K-wires was an easy and feasible procedure which could achieve anatomical reduction and stable fixation of the dorsal fracture block of old bony mallet finger with relatively few complications.Yong Zhang...