Bax lethality (20), allowing the identification of BI-1, a highly conserved apoptosis inhibitor (21), enzymes involved in the ROS detoxification such as BI-GST (22) and ascorbate peroxidase (23), and Ku70, an evolutionarily conserved component of the double-stranded DNA repair machinery (24)...
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As it concerns the molecular mechanisms of action, estrogenic GPER signaling engages several rapid transduction cascades such as MAPKs and PI3K/AKT, which in turn activate the intracellular transcriptional machinery, leading to stimulatory effects in cancer cells, as well as in components of the ...
We do not know whether the effects of proline on different developmental processes are mediated by different mechanisms or share a common molecular machinery. Clearly, further work is needed to fully understand the complex molecular mechanism/s by which proline can finely tune developmental processes...