When the new house was built, we sold the old one. of, relating to, or originating at an earlier period or date: old maps. former; having been so formerly: I ran into my old piano teacher the other day. prehistoric; ancient: There may have been an old land bridge between Asia and...
[Earlier chesten (from Middle English chesteine, from Old French chastaigne, from Latin castanea, from Greek kastaneā, chestnut tree, from kastana, chestnuts; akin to Armenian kask, chestnut, both Greek and Armenian probably being of substrate origin) + nut. Noun, sense 6, perhaps in refer...
The Java tutorial has new coverage for Unicode: Unicode, a lesson in the Internationalization trail. Converting Latin Digits to Other Unicode Digits Unicode Support, a page in the Regular Expressions lesson. As a result of Project Coin, several changes were introduced to the Java language: ...
that fancy Latin theological term that really means the ‘in the fleshiness’… the carne… the flesh… in the meat. In the flesh of Jesus, God reveals Himself…makes Himself clear. “This is who I am. And as I have always been…I’m for you.” That’s the whole point of ...
Anthropology in Latin America: Old Boundaries, New Contexts.Arizpe, Lourdes S
As the first Latinx hip-hop group to achieve platinum status, this trailblazing trio from South Gate, California, comprised of B-Real, Sen Dog, and DJ Muggs, brought a fresh perspective and sound to the genre with their fusion of West Coast hip-hop, Latin influences, ...
The usual PIE root is*sen-(seesenior(adj.)). A few Indo-European languages distinguish words for "old" (vs. young) from words for "old" (vs. new), and some have separate words for aged persons as opposed to old things. Latinsenexwas used of aged living things, mostly persons, whil...
The usual PIE root is*sen-(seesenior(adj.)). A few Indo-European languages distinguish words for "old" (vs. young) from words for "old" (vs. new), and some have separate words for aged persons as opposed to old things. Latinsenexwas used of aged living things, mostly persons, whil...
The usual PIE root is*sen-(seesenior(adj.)). A few Indo-European languages distinguish words for "old" (vs. young) from words for "old" (vs. new), and some have separate words for aged persons as opposed to old things. Latinsenexwas used of aged living things, mostly persons, whil...
The usual PIE root is*sen-(seesenior(adj.)). A few Indo-European languages distinguish words for "old" (vs. young) from words for "old" (vs. new), and some have separate words for aged persons as opposed to old things. Latinsenexwas used of aged living things, mostly persons, whil...