a slave to his basest passions and appetites, a profane swearer, a preacher of righteousness, a worshipper of Bacchus, mayor of a city, a bar-room fiddler, a judge on the judicial bench, an invader of the civil, social and moral relations of men, and, withal, exercising absolute author...
The Salvation Army was one of the first to run a second-hand clothing shop to provide the needy with affordable clothes. This was followed by charities such as the British Red Cross, who also relieved hardship and raised money for the war effort during World War Two. In 1947, Oxfam ...
meaning Land of the Angles MIGRATION •Irish missionaries came to England •Brought the Latin alphabet ROMAN INVASION •597 AD: Roman invader Augustine attempted to Christianize England •Established kingdoms all over England RESULTS •The Latin alphabet became the basis of English alphabet •...