With “Old Henry”, a contemporary representative of a classic American genre premiered at the 2021 Venice Film Festival. The action western, written and directed by Potsy Ponciroli, follows the story of a widowed farmer and his son who take in a mysterious, injured man. With the stranger ...
When they encounter the farm on which Jesse, his brother, Frank (Henry Fonda) and their mother (Jane Darwell) reside and make their living, the railroad does what any self-respecting conglomerate would do– they take it, pay the owners a pittance and lay their rail without giving it anoth...
Old Boys: Directed by Toby MacDonald. With Alex Lawther, Jonah Hauer-King, Pauline Etienne, Denis Ménochet. In the school-set re-working of Cyrano, an awkward but imaginative pupil helps the handsome but spectacularly dim school-hero pursue the fiery da
All the Old Knives: Directed by Janus Metz. With Goksin Erdemli, Kasia Madera, Chris Pine, Thandiwe Newton. Veteran CIA agent Henry is reunited in Vienna with his former colleague and lover Celia.
Old Man Jackson(2023) See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Getting Started|Contributor Zone» Contribute to This Page Top Gap What is the French language plot outline for Old Man Jackson (2023)? Answer See more gaps » Edit page...
Highway Dragnet (1954): Wanted man Jim Henry, stranded in the desert with a fearful model, ruefully explains that he only picked up a blonde floozy in Vegas. “I didn’t kill her, Susan. I didn’t even know her. All I did was buy her a drink. One drink…” Once you start liste...
Built as a royal palace for King Henry VIII in the 16th century, the site later became a naval hospital for Seamen. In the 19th century, the Hospital moved to a new location, and the site was repurposed as the Royal Naval College. It served this...
Public guided tours of the site running regularly throughout the day where you will learn about the story of the estate’s 500 years of history: from a manor house in 1420’s, rebuilt as Greenwich Palace for Henry VII and the birthplace of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I; to the commissioning...
This place is not only the filming location for the movie 'A Top Bet' but also the tree that captivates my heart. Two ancient banyan trees🌳 stand side by side at the mountain top, witnessing the vicissitudes of a thousand years, filled wit
"Little Women." It's currently a museum celebrating all things Alcott. The location of the 17th-century farmhouse was deemed unsuitable for the filming of director Greta Gerwig's 2019 adaptation of Alcott's beloved novel. Not to be deterred,Gerwig had a replicaof the home created on a near...