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On this page you can leave your requests for games you would like us to investigate. You can also do that by tweeting@vgperfectionor by visiting ourFacebook page. Simply leave your request in the comments below. To contact us about any other issues, please use the contact formhere. Where...
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Very easy to setup too through either Steam or GoG versions following instructions. Highly recommend a flight stick for them btw. Though personally I do think X-Wing and TF vanilla still hold up, but they are VERY VERY difficult and demand mastery of the ener...
What happens when the bug occurs?I feel pain for 600 hours now lost in my beloved DAO. What do you expect to see?My play time progress back. Hey there. So, I've noticed about two weeks ago, during the sale, that the EA app has reset my play time and the last launch date...
GOG with its revival of the Good Old Games idea is fully committed to the efforts to enhance the visibility, accessibility, and discoverability of classic games. Taking this into account, GOG releases another long-awaited title – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II. The game arrives on PC for...
Dungeon Keeper 1 (thanks to gog.com i finaly was able to buy this game again currently on sale for 2.34$ so is dungeon keeper 2 and they have been fixed so they work for win7) Doom1+2 Commander Keen 4 Dune 2 Warcraft 1+2 (i think they are dos games dont remember >.> ) Might...
I own Dragon Age 2 through steam - just the base game, no paid DLCs. I was able to download all the promotional DLCs through the Origin client that launches... - 7328623
It's a good week for free games: GOG.com is giving away Alien versus Predator Classic this week as part of a GOG Galaxy test run. 分享: 2014 年 10 月 15 日 Blade Symphony update to add control point capture mode Blade Symphony Blade Symphony developer Puny Human plan to slice up...
You will also be pleased to hear that Colt Canyon is the first Retrific game to be released on consoles next to PC! It's already available on Steam, GOG, Xbox One and Switch and will be coming to PlayStation later this year.